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November 5th, 2020


  1. Education - Fair Housing Law

  2. Minutes from August 6th, 2020

  3. Review Properties

    1. 1423 N 32nd St, Church Hill

    2. 1800 Albany Ave, Blackwell

    3. 3106 Midlothian Tpk, Swansboro

    4. 2501 Dana St, South Richmond

  4. Public Comment

  5. Use Designations

  6. City of Richmond Real Estate Plan

  7. Urban Hope Parcel Swap

  8. Community Engagement

  • Designate 1423 N 32nd St, 1800 Albany Ave, 3106 Midlothian Tpk, and 2501 Dana St for Affordable Housing

  • Approve "Parcel Swap" with Urban Hope and Center Creek Homes, with request that staff seek additional funds for Urban Hope to compensate for difference in land values

August 6th, 2020
Via teleconference


  1. Call to Order 

  2. Minutes from May 7 Meeting

  3. Review Properties

    1. 1608 N 28th St

    2. 1208½ N 32nd St

    3. 2006 Carver St

    4. 1624 Pollock St

    5. 1029 N 30th St

    6. 3113 Veranda Ave

    7. 1 E 25th St

    8. 42 W 21st St

  4. Review Public Comments

  5. Staff Recommendations, Discussion

  6. Decisions 

  7. Adjourn

View Applications
Recommendations to Board of Directors
  • Habitat for Humanity to receive 1608 N 28th St, 1 E 25th St, 3113 Veranda Ave, 1029 N 30th St 

  • Urban Hope to receive 1208½ N 32nd St

  • Better Housing Coalition to receive 1624 Pollock St

  • MWCLT to develop 42 W 21st St, 2006 Carver St

Changes Post-Meeting
  • Surrounding property owner Caudle Properties, LLC offered to buy 1 E 25th St from MWCLT for a significant amount above market value. Habitat for Humanity agreed, with the request that they salvage parts of the existing building for their ReStore shop. The CAP was notified of and accepted the decision. The revenue for the sale will be put towards Land Bank operations and funding of future affordable housing developments.

  • Better Housing Coalition declined to develop 3 homes at 1624 Pollock St. Instead, MWCLT will independently develop 6 homes on the lot.

  • Center Creek Homes approached Urban Hope about completing the "lot swap" post-Land Bank. Urban Hope agreed to the swap, and will be developing a lot on 29th St instead while Center Creek develops 1208½ N 32nd St.

May 7th, 2020
By teleconference


  1. Call to Order 

  2. Minutes from April 21st, 2020

  3. Review of Properties

    1. 1608 N 28th St​

    2. 1208½ N 32nd St

    3. 2006 Carver St

    4. 1624 Pollock St

    5. 1029 N 30th St

    6. 3113 Veranda Ave

    7. 1 E 25th St

    8. 42 W 21st St

  4. Public Comment

  5. Designation

  6. Other business

  7. Adjourn

  • Designate 1608 N 28th St, 1208½ N 32nd St, 2006 Carver St, and 1624 Pollock St for affordable housing

  • Leave 1029 N 30th St, 3113 Veranda Ave, 1 E 25th St, and 42 W 21st St undesignated and accept applications for various uses

April 21st, 2020
By teleconference


  1. Call to Order 

  2. Minutes from February 6th, 2020

  3. Review of Properties

    1. 1108 N 26th St​

    2. 615 N 30th St

    3. 1223 N 32nd St

    4. 1206 N 33rd St

  4. Applications

  5. Public Comment

  6. Adjourn

View Applications
Recommendations to Board
  • Project:HOMES to receive 1108 N 26th St

  • Urban Hope to receive 615 N 30th St

  • Habitat for Humanity to receive 1223 N 32nd and 1206 N 33rd St

February 6th, 2020
Community Room, The Market at 25th


  1. Call to Order 

  2. Minutes from December 5th, 2019

  3. Updates

    1. Pre-qualified Applicants to Date

    2. CAP Member Recruitment

  4. Property Purchase Process

    1. Application​

    2. Rubric for review

  5. Beautiful RVA Presentation

  6. Public Comment

  7. Adjourn

December 5th, 2019
Community Room, The Market at 25th


  1. Call to Order 

  2. Minutes from Sept. 26 Meeting

  3. Review Properties

    1. 1001, 1005, 1007, 1009 N. 26th St.

    2. 1108 N. 26th St.

    3. 615 N. 30th St.

    4. 1029 N. 30th St.

    5. 1223 N. 32nd St.

    6. 1206 N. 33rd St.

    7. 3113 Veranda Ave.

    8. 42 W. 21st St.

    9. Public Comment - 30 Min. 

  4. Adjourn


Designated for affordable residential development:

  • 1108 N. 26th St.

  • 615 N. 30th St.

  • 1223 N. 32nd St.

  • 1206 N. 33rd St.

No clear use/more information requested:

  • 1001, 1005, 1007, 1009 N. 26th St.

  • 1029 N. 30th St.

  • 3113 Veranda Ave.

  • 42 W. 21st St.

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