The CAP is the primary entity responsible for decisions on property use and disposition. It is the intermediary between the Land Bank and the public.
There are 9 CAP positions. The Chair is appointed by the City's Chief Administrative Officer. City Council and the Mayor each appoint 2 members, and 4 are appointed by the Board of the Maggie Walker Community Land Trust.
CAO-appointed Chair
Sharon Ebert
Deputy CAO, Economic & Community Development, City of Richmond
Mayoral Appointees
Michelle Mosby
Help Me Help You Foundation
fmr. City Council President, 9th District
City Council Appointees
Lynn McAteer
Affordable Housing Consultant
James Lambert
Felons First Housing
MWCLT Appointees
Phil Cunningham
Virginia Housing
Chanel Dixon
MWCLT Board of Directors
Sheba Williams
NoLefTurns, Inc.
Hillary Small
Va. Dept. of Elections
Can I serve on the CAP?
Yes! There is currently 1 open position, to be appointed by the Mayor. Please contact the City of Richmond for more information.